The poaching pressure on large mammal populations in Zimbabwe has reached an all-time high. In some areas, such as Sebungwe bordering Matusadona National Park, the elephant population has been reduced by up to 75%.


The Zimbabwe National Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (ZPWMA) is mandated to protect wildlife in national parks, safari areas and communal lands covering over 11 million acres. The majority of these areas are remote and virtually inaccessible. The Flying For Wildlife Trust provides aerial assistance and support to ZPWMA and other stakeholders in their anti-poaching and conservation efforts.


Experienced pilots with Light Sport Aircraft (LSA) and light aircraft have volunteered to work with Flying For Wildlife to assist National Parks in monitoring wildlife and the environment. The Trust works with appropriate organisations engaged in conservation and anti-poaching.

DESIGNED BY WAYNE SCHOLTZ DESIGNS © 2016 All rights reserved